4th of July in England

So for those of you that know me at all, you know that I friggin’ love the 4th of July! I love fireworks, I love barbeques, I love an excuse to bring everyone together, and I love traditions! There was no way I was going to miss out on celebrating the 4th of July this year!

We hosted a BBQ at our new place in honor of the 4th of July and we had a great time! Sadly, I was missing out on some of the usual foods we’d eat and we were unable to get our hands on fireworks (believe me, we tried), but it was a really great night and I was happy we could get everyone together and I could show my friends how we do it in the US! Plus, my friend Alyssa was here to help provide more authenticity! Hahah 🙂 Enjoy these pics from our festivities!

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